ECO Girls engages girls in a wide range of eco-cultural activities that expand their experiences and modes of thought, provide a context for positive friendship building, inspire environmentally-conscious and community-minded action, and prepare girls for future leadership in the development of healthy, ethical, sustainable, and resilient human cultures on our earth.
—Rachel Carson, ecologist and author of Silent Spring
—Jada Pinkett Smith
ECO Girls extends a warm farewell and sincere thanks to our collaborators, volunteers, and former campers in Michigan. We love you and wish you all good things! We are no longer offering programs under the ECO Girls banner, as many of our core staff members have relocated to other states and countries where they continue to pursue environmental humanities projects as well as environmental and health education projects with girls and women. Any news about future iterations of the ECO Girls concept will appear on this site.
We invite you to explore the wealth of information on this website and also to visit a new environmental education website created in part by ECO Girls faculty. Learn more about the Red Thunder Oral History Project.

Of Sea and Thunder and Spring
An Intellectual Retreat on Black Women and Environment
In celebration of Earth Day 2017, ECO Girls at the University Michigan and the BlackGirlLandProject at Michigan State University are teaming up to host a gathering designed to foster sustained discussion about women’s ties to the natural world, with a focus on black women’s histories and literatures.
The event will be hosted at the Michigan League in the Henderson Room at the University of Michigan on Friday, April 21st from 11AM - 7PM.
ECO Girls Resource Guide and Seed Bank of Ideas
The ECO Girls Resource Guide and Seed Bank of Ideas is an overview of the ECO Girls project and our programming. The collection includes quick facts, key concepts, policies, children's activities and reprints of unique publications produced by and adapted for ECO Girls during the first three years of our project (2011-2014). We hope that readers will find this guide both helpful and inspirational for fostering girls' environmental and cultural growth.
Download the Resource Guide PDF

Taking Action, Making Change

Key Ideas

Camp Bluestem
An ECO Girls Summer Experience

Empowering News, Plants and Animals, and More