—Jada Pinkett Smith
—Dr. Grace Lee Boggs, philosopher and Detroit community organizer
—ECO Girl Parent
Through actions both large and small, girls, and the women they will become, have the power to care for the earth and strengthen our human communities. See what members of the ECO Girls have been doing to make a difference, and read about ways that we can all contribute toward building a positive funture with and on the earth.
Of Sea and Thunder and Spring: An Intellectual Retreat on Black Women and EnvironmentPhotos from Earth Day 2017
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To read more about this event, stop by our Events page.
Photos from Earth Day 2016
To read more about this event, stop by our Events page.
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Photos from our Green Dollhouse event.
To read more about this event, stop by our Events page.
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Photos from our first event for the fall 2013 semester.
To read more about our harvest event, stop by our Events page.
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Pictures of our girls at Camp Bluestem this summer.
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ECO Girls staff members and volunteers shared a high point of our year this April when we got together to celebrate a great occasion. Mallory Horne, the fantastic curriculum specialist and lead teacher for ECO Girls, is expecting a baby daughter at the end of the summer. The happy occasion gave the rest of the ECO Girls staff a perfect opportunity to think about what kind of celebration a baby shower should be when environmental values are taken to heart.
To read more about the shower, stop by our Events page.
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During the month of March, ECO Girls learned about ecological literacy, explored nature and plants at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens, and made many beautiful pieces of art based on the plants and fish they observed.
To read more about the trip, stop by our Events page.
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For the month of February, our themes were Energy and Sustainability. On February 2nd, the ECO girls had a split session with a discussion on sustainability and some fun puzzles that taught us a few facts about what being sustainable means.
To read more about the trip, stop by our Events page.
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ECO Girls kicked off 2013 with an exciting trip ice skating at Campus Martius Park in downtown Detroit. We were glad for the opportunity to visit again, since it was one of our favorite destinations last year.
To read more about the trip, stop by our Events page.
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In the month of December, the ECO Girls learned about and explored the theme of sustainability through the Green Dollhouse Project. With the holidays around the corner, the Green Dollhouse Project provided a unique opportunity for the girls to tie in their creative holiday-themed ideas to help build a sustainable and eco-friendly dollhouse.
To read more about the trip, stop by our Events page.
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For our second event in November, we illustrated our short story, “The Thankful Turkey & Her Friends”, written by Brianna Winbush. It is a story about togetherness, gratitude, and the merging of cultures. We also visited the natural history museum at the University of Michigan
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For our first event in November, we made homemade terrariums, small ecosystems that represent our earth. To make terrariums, we took recycling glass containers, put in dirt, rocks, grass seeds, and water, and let Nature take over! In these micro-ecosystems, water is continually evaporated and condensed. Each girl took hers home and watched to see what happens when plants actually grow on earth. As the cycle continues, the grass grows tall and strong!
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View photos of our visit to D-Town Farm, an amazing organic urban farm in Detroit.
To read more about the trip, stop by our Events page.
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View photos of our day learning about climate change and how it affects our food harvets.
To read more about the trip, stop by our Events page.
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View photos of our visit to Food Gatherers, a non-profit organization located in Ann Arbor that provides food assistance to 150 non-profit agencies and programs throughout Washtenaw County. We learned all about the mission and goals of the organization. On our tour of the warehouse, the Eco Girls saw tons and tons of food and beverages. Most importantly, we learned how important it is for families in need to not only have access to food, but healthy food.
To read more about the trip, stop by our Events page.
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View photos of Camp Bluestem, a 5-day overnight camp at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan's Biological Station near Pellston, Michigan.
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View photos of our celebration of Earth Day. We went on a tour of UM's Dana Building which houses the School of Natural Resources and Environment, participated in a series of hands-on sustainability stations where we explored ways to be greener in our everyday lives, and took a trip to the Leslie Science and Nature Center for this year's Earth Day festival.
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View photos of our field trip to the River Rouge plant in Dearborn, Michigan. We got to take a tour of the factory, see the green roof, and much more!
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View photos of our trip to the Matthaei Botanical Gardens, where the Eco Girls learned about the cocoa plant and its uses, as well as to Brines Farm in Dexter, Michigan to learn about solar powered hoop houses and how many vegetables can be sustainable during the harsh, cold months of Michigan's winter.
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View photos of our trip to the Leslie Science Center, the University of Michigan's Museum of Natural History, and the Huron River, where the Eco Girls learned about ecoliteracy, soil samples, animal skulls, and more!
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View photos of our recent trip to Wiard’s Orchard and County Fair. Eco Girls had a chance to pick their own delicious apples at the orchard, took a hay ride and cooked up an apple feast.
To read more about the trip and try out the apple recipes, stop by Farmer Jane's.
A special thank-you to Ashley Bryant for her photography work!
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View photos of our recent GoGirl Dance Party at Trotter Multicultural Center, with live music, line dancing, chalk drawing, hoola hooping, and more. Our party coincided with the Moving Planet global day of action, and we enacted our month-long theme of energy. Through creative movement and dance, we saw that we can make energy with the active motion of our own bodies.
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